If you are thinking of trying an egg fast, which is a type of ketogenic diet modification, here’s what you should know first. In addition to the pros and cons, as well as the benefits, here’s a sample meal plan to get you started.

Fasting can be a tool for weight loss, where you don’t eat for set periods of time in the day and can cut back on total calories, as well. And it’s quite popular within the keto community, to go hand-in-hand with cutting back on carb intake and striving for weight loss as a goal. An egg fast takes it up a notch, where you are mainly eating eggs, cheese, and butter, over other foods, as these foods happen to be keto-approved too.

So, how does an egg fast diet work? Is the egg fast diet safe? Can you lose weight by eating only eggs? And is it good for you? Here’s what you should know before trying an egg fast so you can do it safely and make the most of your efforts.

What Is an Egg Fast?

An egg fast is a short-term diet plan that involves eating eggs in the day with cheese and butter, and it was developed by blogger Jimmy Moore back in 2010.

It’s a restricted version of the ketogenic diet, so it is also high in fat, moderate in protein intake, and super low in carbs. You can eat eggs on keto, along with the full-fat dairy, too.

Why choose an egg fast? It is supposed to help you get through stagnation when you’re looking to lose weight and have hit a plateau. Some people may also use it to help their body enter into ketosis for a traditional keto diet. How many eggs do you eat a day? You need to have at least 6 whole eggs, but can have more (which is a lot!). You are slashing calorie intake though, regardless, so that is also supposed to aid in weight loss from a 3 day egg fast or 5 day egg fast. You are likely not going to go more than 5 days, as it is a very restrictive diet.

Egg Fasting Benefits

To date, the egg fast has not been studied much to prove scientifically beneficial in the way it should. Yet, there’s some research on keto in general that can hold promise for the egg fast diet, as the keto diet does encourage eating eggs. Here are some to keep in mind.

Aids in weight loss

Since you are cutting back on calories, you are bound to lose weight. And since those eggs are filling, you won’t feel tempted to munch throughout the day, either. What’s more, you may target and lose more belly fat in particular, thanks to the egg fast diet and ketogenic diet aspect, according to research.1

May reduce insulin resistance

Insulin resistance happens when your body does not respond properly to insulin, which is a hormone that regulates blood sugar. Several studies show that ketogenic diets may decrease insulin resistance, so your body can manage its blood sugar levels better. In fact, in a small, 2-week study, those with type 2 diabetes ended up lowering insulin resistance on a ketogenic diet by 75% 2

May reduce your appetite

An egg fast focuses on eating eggs for meals, and eggs are very filling so you won’t be hungry in the day and can be satiated with a lower amount of calories. 3 They are high in choline, to promote cognitive thinking and keep you alert, as well as protein to fill you up, and when you combine with the butter or cheese, you add in more fat to further boost satiety.

Plus, the egg fast is a version of the ketogenic diet, which some studies have found to be better for weight loss and keeping hunger at bay than other low-fat, low-calorie diets 4.

Egg Fast Rules

Not sure how to begin a 3 day egg fast? Here are some rules to follow when getting started, according to Healthline 5.

  1. Whole eggs – yolks and whites – are allowed for fat and protein.
  2. You must eat 1 tablespoon (15 grams) of butter or a healthy fat with each egg.
  3. You must eat a whole egg within 30 minutes of waking up in the morning.
  4. You must eat an egg-based meal every three to five hours in the day.
  5. You must eat even if not hungry. No skipping.
  6. You can eat up to 1 ounce (28 grams) of a full-fat cheese of choice with each egg.
  7. You must eat at least six whole eggs each day.
  8. Eggs should be local and pastured eggs.
  9. You should stop eating three hours before going to bed.
  10. You can drink up to three cans of diet soda per day but it is best to have one max.
  11. These are the best rules to follow, but you can modify.

An egg fast diet generally lasts between three to five days so you can kickstart weight loss again.

Possible Risk and Side Effects

Is the egg Fast diet safe? Well, it is short-term for most people, but not always.

If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, ask your doctor for permission to begin this diet before doing so.

Since it does drastically lower blood sugar, you must make sure it is safe first.

It is also not appropriate for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, have had a history of eating disorders, and who have cholesterol issues.

It is also worth noting that a 3 day egg fast is just that. It is not supposed to be a long-term diet, as it can lead to lack of fiber (since there are no fruits and vegetables) and other nutritional deficiencies, too.

And once you go back to eating normally, you may gain the weight back depending on what you eat. So, if you do not go back on a keto diet after, for example, you may gain it back rather fast. If you do go keto afterwards, but add in more food, you may be able to keep the weight off better.

Egg Fast Sample Meal Plan

What do you eat on an egg fast? Here’s a sample menu that incorporates eggs, butter, and cheese each day, for a total of five days, in case you do a five day egg fast instead of a three day one. Do not go over!

You can also add in condiments, like mayonnaise, as well as salt, which is an electrolyte to also help boost electrolyte levels in the body.


  • Breakfast: an egg-cheese omelet made with 2-3 eggs, cooked in 2-3 tablespoons (30-45 grams) of butter or another healthy oil, such as olive oil or avocado oil
  • Snack: 1 stick of string cheese of choice
  • Lunch: 2-3 deviled eggs with butter and cheese for toppings
  • Snack: 2 ounces (57 grams) of a cheese cube or stick
  • Dinner: an egg frittata made using just 2-3 eggs, cooked in 2-3 tablespoons (30-45 grams) of butter or another healthy oil, such as olive oil or avocado oil


  • Breakfast: cream cheese pancake – whip up 2-3 eggs and 2-3 tablespoons (30-45 grams) of cream cheese blended until smooth and cooked on a pan or griddle with 3 tablespoons (45 grams) of a butter
  • Snack: 1 ounce (28 grams) of a cheese cube or stick
  • Lunch: egg salad – 2 eggs and 2 tablespoons (30 grams) of mayonnaise or cheese
  • Snack: 1 ounce (28 grams) of a cheese cube or stick
  • Dinner: crustless cheese quiche or a cheese crepe made with 2 eggs


  • Breakfast: 2 eggs fried in 2 tablespoons (30 grams) of butter with a cup of plain, unsweetened tea or black coffee without creamer or sugar
  • Snack: 2 sticks of string cheese or cubes of cheese
  • Lunch: leftover portion of the frittata
  • Snack: 1 ounce (28 grams) of a cheese cube or stick
  • Dinner: 2-3 deviled eggs as leftover or an omelet with 2-3 eggs


  • Breakfast: egg and cheese frittata made with 2-3 eggs, cooked in 2-3 tablespoons (30-45 grams) of butter
  • Snack: 1 ounce (28 grams) of a cheese cube or string cheese
  • Lunch: 2 hard-boiled eggs or deviled eggs
  • Snack: 2 sticks of string cheese or 2 oz of cubed cheese
  • Dinner: 2 egg waffles – 2-3 eggs cooked in a waffle maker with butter slathered on


  • Breakfast: 3 eggs scrambled or an omelet with a cup of unsweetened tea or plain black coffee
  • Snack: 1 string cheese stick or 1 oz of cubed cheese
  • Lunch: egg salad – 2 eggs and 2 tablespoons (30 grams) of mayonnaise or cheese on top
  • Snack: 1 ounce (28 grams) of a cheese cubed or string
  • Dinner: crustless cheese quiche or cheese crepe made with 2 eggs


Overall, you do not need to go on an egg fast to lose weight. Doing keto alone is safer and more flexible and you can still lose weight and feel better in your own skin. Egg fasts are extreme, so if you do them, keep it short to five days max. And then transition into keto for the long-term instead.


  1. Cowhen CW et al. A Ketogenic Diet Reduces Central Obesity and Serum Insulin in Women with Ovarian or Endometrial Cancer. 2018 August - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30137481

  2. Boden G et al. Effect of a low-carbohydrate diet on appetite, blood glucose levels, and insulin resistance in obese patients with type 2 diabetes. 2005 March 15 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15767618

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Deborah F Hopper
Deborah F Hopper
3 years ago

I really need to do the egg fast, I have plateau, for about 2 weeks, Thank you.

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